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Video Production

Email Open Rates Increase With Video

By | iPhone and HTML 5 Apps, Strategic Marketing, Video Production, Web Design | No Comments

Chances are, you’re on multiple email lists and receive dozens of emails daily that you don’t even bother to open. If you’re an “information junkie,” you’re on these lists because you’ve downloaded a white paper from a certain company that you respect, so you don’t want to unsubscribe. You continue to receive their emails; after all, you don’t want to miss out on that epic, life-changing nugget of information that could be in the next email from them. So they sit in your inbox, unread.

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Why Online Video Increases Sales

By | iPhone and HTML 5 Apps, Strategic Marketing, Video Production, Web Design | No Comments

Remember when you had to dress, drive and browse the isles to make a purchase at a brick and mortar? I grew up in the Sears catalogue era and for a time, Sears was the only option for viewing and making a purchase without driving to the mall or nearest shopping center. I would browse that catalogue for hours, circling the clothes I wanted for school, and then dog-earing pages with the dollhouses and weeble-wobbles that I wanted for Christmas.

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